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Library And Toy Lending

Make reading at home a fun experience

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Once our children have moved from the younger nursery group into the older two-year-old room we then introduce a sharing book scheme.

This scheme is introduced so that parents are able to read with their child at home which helps promote language and literacy skills.

In the pack we provide activities for parents to do with them which are related to the book, this also assists a child to learn and also makes learning a fun time.

The library is located at the main entrance and all we ask is that you bring a book to swap a book.

There are many different age ranges for siblings and also for adults.

The toy library is various jute bags of activities and you are able to take one home at a time for a couple of days then once returned we can offer you another. This includes different activities to do with your child.

If you would like more information about Rowans Day Nursery and discover how you can enrol with us click the button below