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The Magic of Outdoor Learning at Rowans Day Nursery

children jumping in puddles - rowans nursery kingstanding 2025

Picture this: Little Tommy splashing in puddles, Sarah building a den from fallen branches, and James getting excited about the worm he’s just discovered in our garden. These everyday moments at Rowans Day Nursery aren’t just play – they’re precious learning experiences that shape our children’s development. 

Learning Through Nature’s Playground 

Experiences That Shape Our Children’s Development 

Our outdoor spaces buzz with activity and wonder. Just last week, a group of children spent  hours creating a ‘fairy garden’ using leaves, twigs and flowers they’d collected. What looked  like simple play actually involved problem-solving, teamwork, and incredible creativity.  That’s the beauty of outdoor learning – it happens naturally, without children even realising they’re developing crucial skills. 

Some days, our garden transforms into a bustling construction site, with children using logs  and branches to build bridges and dens. Other days, it becomes a peaceful nature spot where  little ones lie on their tummies watching snails make silvery trails across the paving stones.  You can read more about our nursery unit and how we encourage exploration. 

Growing Stronger Every Day 

Watch our children in the garden and you’ll see them climbing, balancing, and testing their  limits. Little Emma, who once needed help climbing our play structure, now scrambles up  like a confident mountain climber! These physical challenges help build strong muscles and  better coordination, all while having buckets of fun. 

Our outdoor space includes natural climbing areas, balance beams made from logs, and  plenty of space for running, jumping and dancing. We’ve watched countless children grow  from cautious toddlers to confident explorers, all through the simple joy of outdoor play.  Check out our pre-school unit to see how we prepare children for their next big steps. 

Curious Minds at Work 

Our outdoor space is like a giant science laboratory. In our growing area, children plant seeds  and watch in amazement as their vegetables sprout and grow. They learn about weather  patterns by splashing in rain puddles or noticing how the trees change through the seasons.  Every day brings new discoveries and chances to learn about the world around them. 

Last autumn, our children created a leaf collection, noticing how colours changed and  learning about different tree types. They used magnifying glasses to study insects, counted  petals on flowers, and learned why some plants need more water than others. These hands-on  experiences bring learning to life in ways that books and indoor activities simply can’t match.  Learn more about our seasonal learning activities and how we celebrate nature’s changes. 

Making Friends in the Fresh Air 

There’s something special about playing outdoors that brings children together. Our mud  kitchen is always a hub of activity, with children working together to create their muddy masterpieces. Even our quieter children often find their voice outside, whether they’re sharing their excitement about finding a ladybird or suggesting ideas for den-building. 

experiences that shape our children's development - a group of children sitting on a blanket painting on paper
Photos for illustrative purposes only.

We’ve seen countless friendships blossom in our outdoor space. Take Ben and Lucy, for  instance. They barely spoke indoors, but after discovering they both loved hunting for mini beasts, they became inseparable garden explorers. Now they work together to create bug  hotels and share their findings with other children. You can see more about our creative flair activities that encourage teamwork and imagination. 

Weather Warriors 

At Rowans, we believe there’s no such thing as bad weather, just inappropriate clothing! Our  children experience the joy of all seasons – from the squelch of spring mud between their toes  to the crunch of frost under their boots in winter. Each season brings its own special kind of  magic and learning opportunities. 

Rainy days often bring the most excitement. Our puddle suits and wellies get a proper  workout as children discover how to make the biggest splash, watch leaves float down  stream-like gutters, and observe how rain changes the texture of sand in our sand pit. Learn more about a typical day at Rowans and how we embrace every moment. 

Caring for Our World 

When children spend time outdoors, they develop a natural love for the environment. We see  it every day – in the gentle way they handle insects, how carefully they water their plants, and  their growing understanding of why we need to protect nature. These early experiences plant  the seeds for environmental awareness that will last a lifetime. 

Our children help maintain our vegetable patch, learning about composting and how to care  for growing things. They’ve created wildlife areas with bird feeders and bug hotels, and they  understand why we need to be gentle with the creatures we find in our garden. Discover more about our baby unit and how we nurture even the youngest learners. 

Bringing the Outside In 

We encourage families to continue the outdoor learning journey at home. Simple activities  like collecting leaves on the way to nursery, planting cress seeds on the windowsill, or going  on weekend nature walks can reinforce what children learn with us. Many parents tell us their children have become their family’s ‘nature experts’, pointing out different birds and plants during family walks! 

Join Us at Rowans 

Want to see outdoor learning in action? Pop in for a visit at Rowans Day Nursery. Bring your  wellies – there’s usually some excellent puddle-jumping to be done! Our gates are always open to families who want to discover how outdoor learning could benefit their child. 

To arrange a visit or learn more about our outdoor learning programme, ring us on 0121 354 1752. Come and see why our children can’t wait to get outside every day!


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